How to Avoid CSS@import? What is it and Why is Required?
Cascading style sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language which is used to describe the look and formatting of the web page. What is CSS@import? It is a process of...
How to Fix Serve Resources from a Consistent URL?
Faster page load speed is what matters if you have an online presence. There are several services available online that provide you the performance of your page. The one recommendation...
How to Optimize Script and Style Sheet to Increase Page Speed?
Arranging the styles and scripts in a particular order is one way to improve the page loading speed. It is recommended to keep the style sheets at the top and...
What is Redirect? Types of Redirects in SEO, How to Minimize Redirects?
What is a Redirect? It is a method that is used to take the visitor from one URL to another URL. Redirecting can be done in several ways but each...
What is Inline Javascript: How to Inline and Benefits of Using it?
Inline Javascript When a script tag is used in the HTML file, it is called inlining. This means no external JS file is used instead javascript is put into an...
Avoid Bad Request - How to Search and Fix Bad Request?
Definition of Bad Requests. These are requests made by the browser to the server for resources like HTML, CSS, Images, or an HTML file that does not exist. This means...
How You Can Make Money with eCommerce Website
There are a lot of people out there who are making a lot of money with their online stores and living a good life. If you are looking to make...